Shaiya Retro
See you on the server!


Skin Change Ticket

With this ticket you can change the current skin of your character to the opposite faction while staying on the same faction. Example you are a Warrior on fury, then with this service you will change into a fighter on fury.

Tag Name Ticket

With this ticket you can choose a customized tag for your character. The total amount of characters should not exceed 13 or include any staff tags or anything similar. Example [GS], [GM], [ADM] tags are forbidden but you can do names such as: [TAG]Character, [Example]War.

Item Faction Change Ticket

With this ticket you can faction change an item from the current faction to the opposing faction. 1 item per ticket.

Class Change Ticket

With this ticket you can change your current class into another. This will include whichever gears and weapons you wish to change, however 1 ticket can only be used for 1 class to another and you can not 'carry' any other items outside of your class. Gear OJ's and enchants will be carried over, however you can't turn random OJ's into whatever you like. Example if you have 1100 SP you can not change that into 1100 HP.

Recreation Rune Ticket

With this ticket you can exchange with a GM to receive [100] Recreation runes

[GM] Enchant Ticket

With this ticket you can get your gear or weapon enchanted +1 with 100% chance. 1 ticket per item and you must provide the gear or weapon and also the enchantment material.

[GM] Link Ticket

With this ticket you can get your gear or weapon linked 1 slot with 100% chance. You must provide the gear and lapis. If the lapis does not belong then this will be an invalid service. Example if you provide a craft lapis lv5 and gloves, we will not do this service for you.

Kill Transfer Ticket

With this ticket you can transfer your kills from one account to another account, however you can not add kills from 'Account A' to 'Account B', instead whichever account you are transferring from will override the one which is receiving. Example 'Account A' has 25,000 kills and 'Account B' has 2300 kills. 'Account A' will be set to 0 kills and 'Account B' will be set to 25,000 kills.

Quest Reset Ticket

With this ticket you can reset a specific quest that you wish to do again. This only works for quests that are not repeatable, 1 ticket will allow you to reset 1 quest, you must specify which quest name you want to reset

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